Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some Drinkware with Flair

I had the opportunity to run an obstacle course yesterday.  We had to pull people across the gym while they sat on a gunny sack then hurdle benches.  Next we had to do mountain climbers across the gym floor with our feet on felt pads then run with a kettle bell in our arms.  After that we got to shoot a free throw using a medicine ball (not as easy as it sounds) until making the basket.  Then a run up and down a flight of stairs then outside up the hill stepping through a series of tires.  That was lap one of four.  It was fun and yet extremely challenging.

I like things that are fun and functional so today I thought we would take a look at one of my favorite drinkware manufacturer's, Berney-Karp Inc., who has found a way to have fun with their designs.

Every time I see the Ring Bling Ceramic mug I hear the Beyonce song "Put a Ring on It" in my head.  Berney-Karp has created a whole category of what they call Bling Products designed specifically for women to be both fun and glitzy.  Check out the entire line of bling products.

Several of their products like the Vanity Water Bottles come with built in mirrors and places to store cosmetics.  Perfect for any customer service giveaway to remind staff to smile.

Still, the thing I think Berney-Karp is best known for is their stock and custom mugs with unique handles.  I still remember one of the first projects I did when I got into this industry was a coffee mug with a handle in the shape of my clients' delivery trucks.  We had them made and everything looked perfect right down the color of the trucks and the placement of the logos.  They also have a huge selection of stock unique handles to choose from.  Just because it's a coffee mug doesn't mean it has to be boring.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Questions to Answer in Choosing a Promotional Product

Here's wishing everyone a great Memorial Day Weekend.  Nothing like 3 fun filled days of relaxation to clear your mind.

I get a lot of phone calls and emails that start out with "We want to do something to promote our business do you have any ideas?"  The answer is yes I have a few hundred thousand ideas of promotional things you can do.  Will they work for you?  I haven't the first clue so today I thought I'd pose a few questions I ask clients to hone in on the right promotion.

1.  What do you want to accomplish?  This is the number one question I ask because this really directs the whole project.  Are you trying to reward loyal customers, entice tradeshow attendees into your booth, offer a gift with purchase?

2.  Who is going to receive this promotion?   The demographics of your target audience are extremely important.  While logoed hair brushes might be great for a salon convention they would be fairly useless at an Alopecia conference (alopecia is baldness by the way).  How old is the target market?  What is the breakdown between men and women?  The more demographic information a client can give me the more laser targeted we can make any promotion.

3.  What is your budget for the project? Seems like this would be an easy question however, I'm often surprised how many people tell me they aren't sure.  Nothing helps narrow down the choices faster than if someone tells me they have a budget of $200 per item or $0.50.  A total budget for the project is great as well as that way we can account for freight, special packaging and method of delivery and disbursement.

4.  What quantity do you want?  This is where we decide who is going to receive the items.  Are you going to give one to all 6000 show attendees or just to the 500 best prospects.  Often this question leads to readjusting the budget either up or down.

5.  When will you need them? Time frame also helps us narrow down the choices.  If you tell me you won't need to receive them for 3-4 months then we have time to look at overseas production based also on quantity and budget.  If we have the time this is one area we can save some serious coin!  If you tell me 3 weeks this narrows us down a little more and means we are looking at domestic production.  Tell me 1-3 days and now we have a very targeted list of products to choose from using select quick turn factories.

6.  Do you have artwork I can review?  I know its question number 6 but it's number 1 in terms of things that hold up the project more than anything else.  Illustrator vector art is almost always the preferred choice to receive in artwork.  This is also a good way to find out in advance if it really is a one color logo or 4 color process artwork as those factors weigh into cost and options.  Also if you have a lot of text that will be printed it helps us narrow down what to put it on.  10 lines of text are not going to look good on a pen but might be just fine on a padfolio.

7.  What kind of packaging would you like?  I have spent enough time around the ladies in my life to know that packaging is as important as the gift itself.  Typically most things when ordered in quantities come in bulk packaging of some sort.  However, that is no reason we can repackage your order into a more visually appealing presentation.  We bring many things into our warehouse and repackage or kit them with other items and marketing materials you would like to get out to your recipients.

8.  Are there any products you absolutely do not want to do?  I have one client who refuses to give their clients anything with a blade as she puts it "Why arm your clients with a weapon?"  Another client doesn't want to give out any food gifts.  If I know this up front it also aids in the product selection.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sitting in the Rain but Thinking About the Sun

Sitting at my desk preparing for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend and watching the Oregon rain fall for the third day in a row with six more to come.  Figured with all this rain falling we might as well talk about sun care products.

I like the new Z collection Lip Balm from Snugz.  It's made in the USA with beeswax base, spf 15 and includes their new patent pending color changing technology that makes the lids turn from clear to color when exposed to UV light.  These are available for as low as $0.17.

This same technology is also available on lanyards, bottles and other products.

Snugz also offers a great tradeshow package.  Guess that lip balm flavor. Snugz has three specially formulated flavors of lip balm that can be used as a tradeshow game.  You can choose from the easy, medium or hard formulations and have attendees guess the flavor to win prizes.  With over 30 flavors to choose from this can be a fun and crowd drawing promotion.  If you have enough time Snugz can develop a custom flavor of lip balm specifically to suit your needs.

I also like the new Zinc sunscreen products that protect against UVA and UVB rays and are also made here in the US.  They are available in white, yellow, orange, pink, purple and blue zinc tones.  In my many years in the promotional business sunscreen is one of the products that I never throw away.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Products from Leatherman

Living all my life in Oregon and enjoying spending lots of time in the great outdoors I've always loved Leatherman tools.  Their multi-tools are one of the greatest inventions ever.  Basically, they are a grown up version of the scout knife so you can always "Be prepared".
Style CS
Yesterday our Leatherman rep was in the office to show us two new products that have been introduced for under $30.  The Leatherman Style features 5 tools including scissors, knife, flat/philips screwdriver, nail file and tweezers.

The one I am most excited about is the Leatherman Style CS which features a stainless steel body, glass-filled nylon handle scale, spring-action scissors, knife, nail file, flat/philips screwdriver, carbineer/bottle opener, tweezers and key ring attachment.  I think this product is great addition to any safety program or incentive gift. Either product can be purchased with your logo and presented in a very stylish metal tin.  Don't forget to check out all of Leatherman's great products.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Creative Brainstorming

I read the following quote a few days ago and it's really stuck with me.  "There are so many people out there that will tell you that you can't.  What you've got to do is turn around and say watch me!" -Layne Beachley

I really think this holds true no matter what we do in life.  Every organization has plenty of people who will tell you why something can't be done.  Sure they serve a purpose but coming up with reasons why something won't work is easy.  I try to surround myself with people who can help brainstorm ways that things can be done.

Today I thought I would leave you with a few tips for creative brainstorming.

1.  Pick a time when you are most rested.  I'm a morning person so some of my best thinking comes when I first get into the office (after at least one cup of coffee) and before everyone starts bombarding me with projects and questions.

2.  Clear your mind.  I have a couple of ways I like to clear my mind to get the creative juices flowing.  One is to listen to a little music which can vary widely depending on my mood.  Today it's the new Lovestrong cd by Christina Perri (hauntingly beautiful voice check her out on iTunes.).  The other way I like to clear my mind is a great strenuous workout.  Some of my best thinking is done right after a run or 5 AM bootcamp.

3.  There are no stupid ideas.  Okay in all honesty there are some horrifically stupid ideas but for the process of creative brainstorming pretend there aren't.  Don't shoot down any idea out of hand.  Give yourself a set amount of time.  Give yourself 30 minutes or an hour.  In that time jot down as many ways as you can think of to solve your problem.  Brainstorming with a team is great if possible.  Again, in a group it's even more important to have a strict rule not to criticize anyone's ideas in the brainstorming process.

4.  Pick your top three solutions.  Once I've got a list of possible solutions I like to go back and rank them, or if I have a group available have them vote on the best solutions.  When finished you should have your three solutions you and your team think have the best chance of working.

5.  Now and only now hand your top ideas over to the pessimists.  Once you've come up with ideas you think will work hand them over to the people around you that are famous for telling you why something can't be done.  This is the one part of the process where there consistent negativity can benefit you as they might see a hole in your plan that needs to be patched.  Remember that you don't have to use their advice if you don't agree with it.  If they come up with legitimate challenge you can always start the brainstorming process over to find a way around that objection.

Monday, May 23, 2011

T-shirts that "Sweat" your Logo

I finished my first 5k this weekend in 30 minutes 49 seconds.  No world record by any means but a huge personal accomplishment in its own right. One thing for certain I was dripping in sweat by the time I finished which is why today's new featured product caught my eye.

Now there are t-shirts that "sweat" your logo.  This new patent-pending T-shirt printing technology activates the logo or graphic and makes it appear when somebody sweats in the shirt.  I have seen heat and cold activated printing on mugs but this is a first for me in the apparel market.
I am very excited about the possibilities this can provide for teams, charities, company picnics or any other corporate events.  I can already think of several marketing campaigns to go along with this technology.  Not to mention great co-branding opportunities for sponsored events.
If you have a project coming up you could use this for drop me an email.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ladies Apparel that Looks Feminine

If there's one question I hear more than any other from female clients it's "Are there any ladies shirts available that actually look feminine?".  As a group women just do not get that excited about a polo shirt that looks just like a man's shirt with the buttons on the other side.

LB733 Juliet
I was very excited when Lisa from Tri-Mountain brought in the new Spring line this week which included their new Lilac Bloom collection of flattering, stylish apparel pieces made specifically for women.

Each of the 7 new silhouettes comes in a host of exciting new colors. The Juliet being worn and displayed by Lisa in the picture to the right is a very feminine, very appealing cut.  It is a 95% polyester/5% spandex matte satin short sleeve woven shirt.
LB751 Serena

Based on the oohs and ahs from all the ladies in my office the new Serena 96% polyester/4% spandex short sleeve woven shirt is going to be a huge hit this year with women buyers of promotional apparel.  All of the new items in the Lilac Bloom collection received nothing but great compliments from all of our staff.

LB5360 Kate
The last item I wanted to showcase today is the new LB5360 Kate Jacket.  This women's windproof/water resistant 60% cotton/40% polyester twill short trench coat lined with polyester is the perfect spring addition to any women's wardrobe.  Available in black, strawberry and eggplant the Kate comes with two side pockets and inner right chest pocket.  Ruching along the shoulders and back yoke add a stylish fashion touch.

While these three pieces are great don't forget to check out the rest of the collection and the rest of the line.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everyone is Faced with a Rock Wall at Some Point

I tried something new last night.  My bootcamp instructor at the Y told me to climb the rock wall.  I looked up at the wall at the hand and foot holds spread out and thought there's no way I can do this.  However, I set my mind on getting up that wall.  About 75% of the way up it starting getting really tough to climb.  Thought for sure I'd have to quit but the teacher and my class were rooting me on.  It took a while but I finally reached up grasped that last hand hold pulled my aging carcass up to the top and rang the bell.  Seriously, it was one of the greatest feelings ever to conquer something I thought I couldn't do.

We all are faced with rock walls in all life every day.  The client who has just asked for the impossible delivery date or the vendor who just told you the time sensitive materials for your project were lost in transit.  How do we get over the wall and not wind up crushed underneath it?

Here are a few tips:

1.  When facing your wall take a few deep breaths.  If you are calm you can think clearly.  If you are stressed that wall is going to seem larger, scarier and insurmountable.

2.  Plan a strategy.  How are you going to get to the top of your wall.  Which hand holds will you grab?  Where are you going to put your feet?  What is the best path to get you where you want to go?  I like to put as much time as possible into the planning.

3.  Have a contingency plan.  If twenty years in the industry have taught me anything it's that the tighter the deadline, the more critical the project the greater the likelihood is that something will go wrong.  I always like to have a B plan and even a C plan just in case.  It's much easier to switch to plan B than to have to think up plan B while in a panic.

4.  Be ready to make a final push.  It is very likely that like me as you near the top of the wall you will reach a point where you think you can't go on.  Here's where you just have to rest for a moment.  Take stock of your options and then reach deep inside yourself to find the strength to make that final push.

5.  Have a support team behind you.  In all honestly at the 3/4 mark last night I would most likely have given up and made my way back down if not  for my support crew cheering me on and encouraging me to keep trying.  Make sure you have coworkers and mentors  who can provide that kind of support when facing your own wall.

6.  Celebrate the Victory.  Once you reach the summit of the rock wall in your life don't forget to ring the bell and rejoice in the satisfaction of knowing you accomplished something that seemed daunting at the time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Seriously Who Doesn't Need a Flying Monkey?

Okay I admit it. I am about to turn 44 in less than three weeks.  However I can say with pride that I have yet to grow up so today we are again going to focus on some more new toys to help you and your clients' blow off a little stress.

Let's play the word association game.  I say flying monkeys you say _______?  Okay I'm pretty sure the first thing that popped into your mind was the Wizard of Oz movie (at least if you're my age.)  Pretty sure I had nightmares about flying monkey's for weeks after the first time I saw that movie as a kid.  However, the Flying Shrieking Monkey from Jornik is a must have stress reliever for any office. The JK-3610 with sling shot action arms is the perfect promotion for any event.  They are available for as little as $6.50.  You can also check out the Glow in the Dark Snow Monkey, flying shrieking sock monkey and the flying shrieking mega monkey.

One of the smartest things I ever do when finding new toys for my clients is watching to see what the customer service reps in my office like at the shows.  At the most recent show I attended they all flocked around the new Puffer pets from Jornik.  They all came back to the office with the Huggy Bear.  I do have to admit this fun squeezable guy kind of grows on you. The huggy bear as well as the puppy pal and puffer penguin are available for as little as $4.25.

Finally the key to a truly stress free office is superior fire power.  Nothing says stress relief quit like a little in office war games.  I think everyone needs at least one of the Pong Shooters from Jornik.  Loaded with lightweight glow-in-the-dark balls as ammunition this is a must have stress weapon for any office environment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Talking Stress Relievers

Okay maybe it was the really strenuous bootcamp last night but I'm feeling a little worn out today.  In my world that means it's time to play with some new toys.  I love the new talking stress relievers from Points of Light.  They have come out with several stress relievers that include a sound chip.  My favorite is the Feel Great Talking Stress toy. Squeeze him and listen as he says "Woo-Hoo! Do I feel great.  It's going to be a stress free day! (Giggle)."  This little guy has been a big hit in several of my online programs.  I think everyone can relate to the need to blow of a little stress.  These are available for as little as $2.58 each.

Not only are there messages about stress but also safety, congratulations and thanks.  If you want something even more creative you can get them made with your own custom voice message.

Points of Light also offer these fun pens with a suction cup base.  Press down on the head and hear a message like this one.  "Relax! Calm down now. Don't stress. Take it easy."  Sometimes during the day we need a little reminder like this.  These are great items for any giveaway for an affordable price as low as $2.37.

Click on the link to check out all the wonderful talking toys from Points of Light and their many other fine products.  As for me I've blown off enough stress playing with these toys I think I'm ready to knuckle down and get some more work done.

Monday, May 16, 2011

When Does it Make Sense to Produce Promotional Products Overseas?

This is a question I hear quite frequently.  The simple answer is when you can meet the requirements of time, quantity and money.  There is seldom any doubt that products can be produced less expensively overseas.  Often times overseas production can save anywhere from 20-50% of the cost of the domestic product.  Many of my suppliers offer overseas options as well as domestic production.

First and foremost you need time.  Overseas production takes in general 3-4 months from the time the order is placed.  This gives the factory time to make and send a pre-production sample and the time spent on the water in a container ship.  Most clients I work with fall into one of two camps the planners and the procrastinators.  The planners know they have an event coming up in 6 months and are willing to get started now.  The procrastinators start getting geared up anywhere from a week to a month prior to their event.  Overseas production really does favor the planner.

The second criterion is quantity.  If you are looking to have 72 widgets produced overseas production is probably not for you.  However, if you need 50000 widgets then this could be right up your alley.  As a general rule the more custom the item the higher the quantities you will need.  When it comes to totally custom toys and ideas there are often expensive molds which require much higher quantities to make these choices feasible.

The third factor to take into consideration is money.  Depending on the size of the order some overseas manufactures and suppliers have minimum order amounts.  I have worked with manufacturers who would produce an overseas order for a minimum of $5000 and other who require a minimum order of $25000.

If you can meet all three of these criteria then there is a great chance you can save money by having goods produced overseas for your upcoming events.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Looking to Expose Your Brand? Start in the Kitchen!

Finished my 5AM bootcamp at the gym this morning and came home to forage for something to eat.  As I was looking around the kitchen for something healthy to nosh on I couldn't help but notice how many logoed items are in my kitchen.

In  my opinion kitchen related items are one of the biggest bangs for your buck in terms of repeated exposure to your marketing message.  If you give someone a useful tool for their kitchen they will not throw it away.  I have many refrigerator magnets including one for my mortgage agent that has been on the fridge for over 7 years.  She doesn't even work for that company anymore but I see her name every time I open the fridge.

Today I thought I'd focus on a few great kitchen promotions from one of my favorite suppliers Evans Manufacturing.  Not only are they a great supplier of targeted price point promotions but many of their products are made right here in the U.S.

The Flex-n-Scoop Cutting Board is a great tool for being able to chop and mince and dice your favorite food or vegetables and bend the board to dump them in a bowl without getting food all over the kitchen.  At a price of as low as $1.25 in my opinion one of the greatest promotional items ever. (I counted at least 7 of these in my own kitchen.)

The ever popular Keep It Clips are a great way to store bags of food once they are opened.  Perfect for keeping your potato chip bag closed between snacks (not that I eat potato chips just in case my bootcamp instructor reads this blog article).  Available in a host of colors, shapes and sizes the 4" Keep it Clip is currently on special for as low as $0.55 each.

I always need to strain some pasta or rinse grapes or other produce so the Over the Sink Strainer is a fine product to attach the center divider of most double basin sinks.  Its convenient feet also allow it to sit on a counter top or bottom of the sink.  Best of all every time someone uses it which should be fairly frequently they are staring right at your logo.  Currently available for as low as $2.25.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Perfect Promotional Product for Anyone with a Smart Phone

As a typical guy I always hated to ask for directions.  I'd rather wander blindly around the city for hours than stop and ask where I'm at.   The day GPS apps came out for the smart phones was one of my happiest days ever.  The only issue I ever have now is driving while looking over at the map on my phone.

However, HandStands another one of my favorite suppliers has just come out with the Sticky Pad Roadster a repositionable and removable tray with the Jelly sticky pad technology that sits on your dash and holds your phone in an upright position so you can view your GPS.  The tray also serves as a great place to store items while in the car.  The four color imprint area on the Roadster allows for a great branding message to keep your name in front of your clients.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Avoid and Correct Mistakes

Mistakes happen!  We all like to think we don't make them but deep down if we search our souls we know we do.  Anyone who works with me will tell you I hate to make mistakes.  Yesterday's blog article was about ways to place rush orders and get products within a couple days.  No sooner had I published the article than I found out a rush order of very expensive pens had been poorly engraved.

One of the things I pride myself on as a promotional products distributor is that I stand behind every order.  If a mistake is made I will correct it and replace the product and do whatever is necessary to make it right with the client.

Today I thought we would focus in on a few tips to avoid mistakes and a few for how to fix them when they happen.

How to Avoid and Correct Mistakes:

1.  Only work with reputable suppliers.  Did you find that great deal on the internet at Fly by Night Promotions?  After ordering 1000 of the coolest widgets ever for next to nothing you get them only to find out they printed your logo entirely wrong.  You search in vain for a phone number on their website to contact them and even if you find one you are trapped in voice mail hell.  I have 100% product satisfaction guarantee and I only work with suppliers who stand behind their work.

2.  Get the details in writing.  Verbal conversations are fine but when I'm placing an order or following up on one I always ask my suppliers to please put the details of our conversation in a quick email and send it back.  It never hurts to have a paper trail and depending on the length of time it takes to place an order memories can become fuzzy but print is eternal.

3.  Fix the mistake then deal with whose fault it is.  Too many times when a mistake occurs I see people trying to ascertain where to place the blame.  While finding out how a problem occurred is an important part or mistake resolution it is not the most immediate step.  First meet the clients need.  If they need product in two days figure out how to get them what they want when they need it.  Their will be plenty of time for investigation later.

4.  Have a backup plan.  When it comes to rush orders or large dollar orders I like to always have a backup plan.  What are you going to do if product gets held up in customs?  What if a tornado shuts down production in a factory in the Midwest?  What if the overnight freight company loses your order?  I've had all of these happen and more.  It's always nice to have a backup plan in place just in case.

5.  How do we make sure that mistake doesn't occur again?  Anybody who has ever worked with me or for me knows I understand that mistakes are going to happen.  They also know the next thing I'm going to say is what can we do to ensure this type of problem doesn't happen again?

6.  Do everything with INTEGRITY!  It's not that difficult to say no problem I'll reprint that $100 order at my cost.  It's a little different to say no problem I'll reprint that $50000 order at my cost.  I've been fortunate to never have to eat a job that big.  I did have a supplier step up and admit they made a mistake and eat a job that was several thousand dollars.  The vendor maintained his integrity in what could have been a very horrible situation.  I can't tell you how many hundreds of times I've gone back to that supplier because I know they stand behind their products and their word.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Promotional Products in Two Days or Less

When I got into the promotional product business several years ago the standard lead time on an order was 3-4 weeks and a rush order meant you might be able to have something in a week.  My how the times have changed.  It seems at least once a week now I get a call from a client who needs something within a day or two.

Obviously many things have helped to create these situations.  The biggest cause is companies trying to make do with less employees. When you wear multiple hats it's very easy for something to slip through the cracks.  Everyone is so busy and let's face it buying the giveaways for the upcoming tradeshow can often get put on the back burner.

That's why today I thought I'd focus on a few of my suppliers who offer one day or even same day production and shipping services along with a few hints to avoid any major trauma along the way.

Tips for Rush Orders

1.  Make sure your art is perfect.  Adobe Illustrator vector art is the first choice for how to have your artwork prepared for suppliers.  Since usually with fast rush orders you have to waive seeing a proof.  You want to make sure it absolutely correct on the first try.

2.  Avoid small taglines and intricate designs.  If you are going to have to waive a proof make sure to avoid small detail and wordy taglines that may not show up well on the finished product.

3.  Think about the shipping charges.  Some suppliers like Leeds will ship 3 day air at ground rates for us while others will require you to pay expedited shipping charges if you  need something overnighted in.  Always get a  freight quote to see what shipping will cost you.  The more it weighs the more you pay.  I will never forget the first time I had to overnight in coffee mugs from the east coast to the west coast.  I think the product cost was about $1000 and the freight was $3000.  Nobody likes that kind of sticker shock.

4.  Make sure it's a reputable supplier. I can't tell you the number of times someone has come to me because they needed a rush order and another company told them they could do it then couldn't.  You want someone who will check to make sure there is adequate stock and that the job really can be down when you need it.  A truckload of widgets does you know good the day after the event.

5.  Finally be aware of any rush charges.  Each supplier is different.  Some have a price for regular production and a different price for 3 day, 1 day or same day service.  Other companies charge a percentage of the total price.  Yet others have a flat rush charge that gets added on.

Here are a few of my favorite suppliers who offer expedited service:

Leeds -one day Sure Ship Program no rush charges
Prime Line -24 hour free rush service
Sweda -24 hour free rush service
Logomark -one day Advantage 24 free rush service

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Tradeshow Giveaways Part 2

Just got back from an hour of spin class and between the sweating and cool breeze this morning the lips are feeling a little chapped.  Since that's the case I think we will pick up the second part of our new tradeshow giveaways with a new item from Custom HBC.  Their new all natural Chocolate lip balms are made in small batches with real chocolate and all natural essential oil flavoring.   They come in several flavors including white chocolate chai tea, milk chocolate mint leaf, dark chocolate espresso bean, dark chocolate cocoa noir, milk chocolate orange truffle and white chocolate raspberry available for as low as $1.71 each.

Not to age myself too badly but our next product has sentimental value to me.  I remember sitting there for hours trying to figure out how to solve the Rubik's Cube.  Sadly, I never did master it.  However, Prime Line has introduced the PL-3631 Rubik's Cube Flashlight. Just turn the cubes and the flashlight turns on. This is a great giveaway for as little as $4.95. The best part is even I can figure out how to use it.

The last product today comes from Hirsch Gift.  No desktop is complete without a solar calculator. However, what caught my eye about this one is that you can do a complete 4 color graphic on the face.  Perfect for a new product launch.  Available for as low as $9.95.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Tradeshow Giveaway Ideas Part 1

Mini Tape Gun
Back from the NWPMA show loaded down with swag.  Two of the products I liked the best were from a local Portland company Wildline.  The first product is the mini-tape gun.  Pretty sure I will be using this for one of my own promotions in the near future.  A great product for as little as $3.10 each.
Pig Popper

I also liked their Pig Popper that shoots nerf balls from its mouth.  The product comes with 6 nerf balls and the form of a pig, moose, bear, pirate, dog and dinosaur.  They had a game set up to shoot the nerf balls through a circle and the winners received one as a prize.  Check out the pig popper here: Pig Poppers. You can view all of their products at Wildline.

Heaven Scent Twist Pen
I absolutely love my coffee in the morning be it regular cup of Joe or a Starbuck's Venti Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte.  So you can imagine how excited I was to find they are offering scented pens that smell like among other things coffee. The Heaven Scent Twist Pen from All in One comes in your choice of 5 colors and scents including chocolate chip, mocha latte, strawberry fields, vanilla dream and green meadow.  At a price of as little as $0.89 each these are a great idea for so many creative promotions.

Stay tuned over the next few days for more exciting new products from the show.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Item 10303
Happy Cinco de Mayo to all of you.  I just saw a statistic that today Americans will consume on average 128,000 margaritas per hour.  To that I say Cheers!!

I'm getting ready to head out to our big industry tradeshow in just a bit but first in the spirit of Cinco de Mayo I thought I would share a few of my favorite suppliers who provide more blinking and light-up swag than you can imagine.  No Cinco de Mayo party would be complete without a few light-up ice cubes from AlrightPromos.com.  Check out their complete line of products at: AlrightPromos.com.

Of course were definitely need the 6 oz. color changing margarita glass from Buztronics Inc. Available as low as $3.84 these blinking color changing glasses will lighten up any party.
Take a look at Buztronic's website to see these and all of their other fun blinking light up products.

Finally to round out our fiesta of fun let's throw in a few of the Maraca Bottle Opener-Keychains from Clegg Promo.  At as little as $1.74 they are perfect for a few choruses of La Bamba.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tips for Walking a Tradeshow

Not only is tomorrow Cinco de Mayo but it also happens to be the day of the NWPMA show.  For those who don't know what NWPMA stands for it's the Northwest Promotional Marketing Association.  It's the largest promotional products tradeshow in the Northwest with over 150 suppliers.  Many people like going to tradeshows to pick up swag; well this is a tradeshow dedicated to swag.

I thought today would be a great time to talk about the best way to get the most out of your tradeshow experience.  Here are my top 5 picks for the best way to get the most out of any tradeshow.

1.  Have a plan and stick to it.  Before I attend a show I check with all my clients to see what types of projects they are working on and what their needs are so that when I walk the show I have specific things I'm looking for.  In addition, I try to come away from any show with at least 3 great ideas.

2. Start anywhere but the left, right or center of the show.  I've seen it so many times first day of the show and as the doors open everyone runs either to the far left wall, the far right wall or right down the middle.  I like to start on the 4th or 5th aisle of either side as it's usually empty and I can take my time and chat with the suppliers I want to without feeling like I'm running with the bulls in Spain.

3.  Bring your video Camera.  I like to walk the show with my camera phone and video camera.  If I see a product or booth that catches my eye I can take a photo or video to show my clients later.  (They also come in handy when you need something for a blog article or social media piece.)  I like to take a moment and interview some of the vendors on video telling my clients the benefits of a product or case study in better detail than I can.

4.  Wear comfortable shoes.  Each year when I attend our large show in Vegas that takes up two floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel with over 6500 suppliers I am always surprised to see how many people are wearing dress shoes or ladies in high heels.  I made the dress shoe mistake only once and practically couldn't walk the second day of the show.  Nice comfy tennis shoes will always be the best footwear to save on your feet.

5.  Avoid the time traps.  I can't tell you how many times I've been walking a show and somebody entices me into their booth often with the promise of free swag. (I know even I am not immune to the lure of free swag!)  Before I know it I've been standing there for 10 or 15 minutes wasting my time on something not that valuable.  I like to take a fairly quick trip through the show.  Once I'm done I go back and spend my remaining time talking to the suppliers I was most interested in.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Award Recognition

Everybody loves a little recognition.  That attaboy for a job well done that pat on the back for a goal blown out of the water.  People crave a little appreciation.  In fact a lack of feeling appreciated is one the top reasons given for why employees leave a company.

Over the years many clients have come to me looking for plaques to recognize an employee, customer or contributor.  I'm not going to kid you plaques can be a little boring and wind up in a drawer somewhere forgotten.  Recognition today can be so much more creative.  Recognition awards can be as little as $50 and as high as several thousand depending on what you are trying to accomplish.  Today I thought I would share with you one of my favorite award suppliers Vision Awards:  Visions Awards Website.

I like things that are artistic, different and combine different substrates such as the composure award FS-216-S for as little as $99. Perhaps a step up to something more like the Continental Award FT7107 with gilded antique silver, gold accents and black glass for as little as $221.

The next time you are looking to recognize someone and want it to be creative, memorable and cost effective shoot me and email and I'd be happy to help you.

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's all About the Packaging

Recently I bought a present for my girlfriend who is currently living in another state.  I was all ready to ship it out in a nice brown box with some packing peanuts.  However, a very wise female friend of mine said "Don't do it that way.  With women it's all about the packaging."  Well after a trip to the Container store where we bought different gift bags, filler and a beautiful box my gift was pronounced worthy to ship.  The result?  The package was received and I was commended for my thoughtful packaging.

How many times do we put thought into selecting just the right promotional product to give to our clients but very little or no thought into how to package it.  Packaging can be as simple as wrapping the gift in nice paper wrap.  There are several options for boxes with stock artwork that can be used to make the box look like a tool box or doctor's bag or pizza box.  Check out several creative packaging ideas from one of my favorite packaging suppliers The Chest:  The Chest Inc.

A few years ago a client wanted to send out a reminder to their sales people about their upcoming President's club trip to Hawaii.  We found a zippered coconut filled it with lip balm, sunscreen and a couple other tropical promotional items then had them shipped to each salesperson. Sometimes it just takes a little creative thinking outside the box.