Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tradeshow Giveaways

I've been working in the promotional products industry now going on 14 years.  One thing I never get tired of is attending industry tradeshows.  I love swag.  I love seeing the new products available that can help solve complicated marketing issues for my clients.

Today I'll be attending a multi-line rep showcase at the Embassy Suites.  If all goes well I hope to come back with at least 3 great ideas to help out my clients.  Everyone has different criteria for grading shows.  Mine is 3 great ideas.  If you have a project you're working on and need some new fresh ideas drop me a line or give me a call.

I am also excited to announce that this year American Eagle will be throwing a client celebration event with great food and supplier exhibits.  Keep tuned in for dates, times and more details.

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