Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Release a Little Stress

I admit it I'm a big kid.  You can give me a coffee mug or a t-shirt with your logo on it and that's nice.  However, if you give me something that shoots nerf balls or does somersaults on my desk and I will never forget you or your brand. 
There is a place for products that are functional or informational but with the amount of stress the average employee deals with in this fast paced hectic life a promotional item that can relive a little stress makes a great giveaway.

I like the Original Bend-A-Pen from The Aakron Line.  It' fun, flexible, functional and best of all frugal at a price of as low as $1.45.   AAkron Line Bend-A-Pens

Maybe it's my age I still remember the Mood Ring and AAkron also has a complete line of mood products from coffee mugs to pencils.  For as low as $0.23 you can get a very cost effective biofeedback device to monitor your stress levels. (Something I generally need desperately.) 

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