Monday, April 25, 2011

Promotional Items are Great. Knowing How to Use Them Even Better!

What a great weekend!!  Got to attend a playoff game for the Portland Trail Blazers.  We had seats 11 rows up behind the basket.  Not quite close enough to get taken out when 7 feet of basketball player leaps into the stands but close enough that when there is a foul you can see it and feel it.

Best of all was the swag.  I bought my Brandon Roy shirt to wear to the game and then when we got there I was given a sign to hold up and a free rally towel to wave and intimidate the other team.  Right before the game they handed out Thunder sticks to all of the fans behind the basket to make noise when the opposing team took free throw shots.

Not only did they give out swag but they had a plan for how to use it.  I can't tell you the number of times I've worked with clients who want to have something to give away but don't know how or where they are going to use it.  Many clients have a magic closet filled with swag they bought but haven't found a use for yet.  Next time you get ready for an event or promotion ask yourself these questions.
1.  Who am I trying to reach?
2.  What message do I want to convey?
3.  How will this item be distributed?
4.  How will I measure the success of this promotion?

As a diehard Blazer's fan I like to feel that all the noise we made in the stands pounding the thunder sticks and waving the rally towels helped the Blazers overcome their 21 point deficit in the 4th quarter to come back and  win the game.  Who knows but I do know I have some great memories and great swag to remind me of a great game.

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