Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Managing Your Task List Without Losing Your Sanity

Sitting at my desk this morning looking at what literally appears to be at least 100 tasks that need to get accomplished today.  My first urge is run out the door and go play in the sun while we are experiencing this great 80 degree weather.  Of course that's the little kids voice in my head the adult voice is telling me to buckle down and get the work done and then I can play. (Keep in mind those are only two of the voices in my head I'll introduce you to some of the others as you get to know me better.)

We all get busy and have times when life and works is hectic, chaotic and just downright stressful.  When I have to buckle down and get a lot accomplished I have a process I go through that I thought I would share with you.

1.  Organize your work.  If you come into the office and start on whatever presents itself first you will never get caught up you'll just live your life moving from one emergency to the next (and usually they aren't even your emergencies there someone else's).  I like to lay out my daily roadmap the night  before. I sit down and lay out the most critical tasks what I have to get done, what I'd like to get down and what really doesn't need to get done right away.  I always pick 6 tasks that I expect to get done the next day so that at least if I accomplish those things I feel like the day has been a success.  Honestly some days only 1 or 2 might get finished but I've learned to cope.

2.  Delegate.  I can't say this enough.  I use to think if it didn't get done by me then it wouldn't get done right.  As your workload and business grow there comes a point when you have to learn to let go and hand projects off to others (of course that doesn't mean you don't still monitor what's going on).  When you have a team in place like I do you can accomplish so much more than you can as one person.

3.   Close the door.  When I buckle down and need to get a lot accomplished I shut the door to my office.  Otherwise I will get bombarded with a dozen distractions (sports updates, what celebrity couple just broke up, and well you get the idea).  I like to turn on some background music to motivate me.  I have a playlist for brainstorming, busy work, and even my "chilax music" when I need a break.

4.  Take breaks.  I find there is no quicker way to burn out than to work non-stop on never ending projects so I like to mix it up.  Take a break between projects. Get up go for a walk around the building.  Go grab a cup of coffee.  

5.  Reward yourself when you accomplish the tasks.  I love to turn things into a game (and also to challenge myself).  I like to set little rewards.  If I get the first 3 things accomplished before lunch maybe a treat.  All 6 things by 3 then maybe it's time to cut out early.

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