Monday, June 27, 2011

Countermats and other POP

Finished a 5k twilight run this weekend for the Hot Air Balloon Festival.  Not sure what was more amazing the fact that I am getting faster or that I am actually starting to enjoy running.  Either way it was as great event and very well managed.  I really like the free swag that comes with the race.  I received a very nice Nike drifit shirt, free samples of food bars and energy drinks, coupons etc.  There were signage and sponsorship messages everywhere.

Today I thought we would talk just a little bit about POP (point of purchase materials).  What better way to get your name or retail brand out there than through the strategic use of POP.  I work with a lot of clients who sell through dealer networks so we are constantly looking for the best ways to advertise my client's products in the dealer's shops.  One of the most effective products is counter mats.  I like to use Digispec for all my domestic countermats.  Digispec has always come through for me when I need a quality piece with full color and have a tight timeline (which is most of the time).  Overseas production can be another way to get countermats done economically if you have the time.

Stay tuned over the next few week and we will have more on POP including signage, tents, flags and even blimps.

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