Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Print Your Calendars in July?

What a great 4 day weekend!  Ran my first 5 mile run took my first Pilates class and cooked for a big 4th of July party yesterday.  The Pilates class taught me once again that I'm not very flexible.  We won't go into graphic detail about what the instructor made me do to my body but let's just say I'll be feeling it for days.  That may be lesson we can all derive from Pilates that we should learn to be a little more flexible in life.

It's actually nice to be back in the office today where I can rest up a little.  It seems life is just always so busy what with meetings, appointments, sports and classes.  If you have kids the list grows exponentially.  That's why today I thought we would take a moment and talk about calendars.  Calendar's in July you have got to be nuts!! (I am but that's a whole other story!)

In my opinion calendars remain one of the best promotional products you can provide to a client.  I know some of you might be thinking who uses calendars now with everything stored in i-Phones or Droids?  The answer---- lots of us!  I have one calendar on the fridge where my daughter keeps her schedule for her two jobs and her first term of college classes.  This way dad knows when he has to provide dinner or might be able to work a minute or two into her busy social calendar.  I have another calendar on the wall where I keep track of all of the bootcamps, spin classes, runs, yoga and anything else workout related.  Another one is on my office wall to track client deadlines and another is on my desk so I can work backwards to figure out if we can meet the rush requests of many of our clients.

Here's the secret though.  The first few people who get me calendars are usually the ones I keep.  Why else should you order calendars in the summer?  Many suppliers offer discounts for placing your orders early.  They would love to work on your project before the rush season gets under way.

I use two companies Norwood and PCA  for all my clients calendar needs.  They have both done amazing jobs for me and my clients and they offer tons of ideas to make the calendars more successful.  Over the years I have learned a few tips to make calendars more successful and be sure they get placed where you clients will see them every day.

1.  Don't start with January.  Perhaps do a 16 month calendar and start with September.  This will ensure your client gets your calendar up on the wall first.

2.  Coop the cost of the calendar.  Want to do calendars but don't want to pay for them all by yourself.  Go to a few of your bigger suppliers and sell them advertising space on your calendar.  I have several clients who have never paid for the cost of the marketing benefits they reap.

3. Make sure it is visually appealing.  The calendar manufacturer's have great stock art or you can use custom shots of your products, facilities or people.  Just make sure that the finished product is something people will want to put on their wall.  A puppy calendar seldom gets thrown away but a calendar showing the different stages of infection might.  Just be sure to tailor it to your audience.

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