Monday, July 25, 2011

Best Way to Submit Art for Your Projects

Just finished up an incredible weekend of fun after the sun decided to come out here in Oregon.  I managed to pack in a couple concerts, a wedding and a friend's birthday party all into 2 days.  Since it was one of my bootcamp friends getting married we even managed to get a group photo with the bride and 5 of us other bootcampers doing a side plank across a bridge in formal wear.

Sometimes you are just glad to get back to work so you can rest a little bit.  However, now that I'm back I have several clients rush projects sitting on my desk this morning.  Several of those projects are going to require that I have my graphics department redo art that was provided.

Today I thought we would take a moment and talk about the best way to submit art to ensure your project flies right through production (especially if you are dealing with a quick turn date or need to waive a proof).

I get a lot of art files that we can't work. Jpegs are the worst as we can manipulate or resize them. Almost as hard to work with are bmp's (bitmap art very grainy), gifs, and png files.  All of these mean we have to convert and clean up art which takes time.

If you want to speed your order and project along without any additional costs or delays the best file you can provide your promotional products distributor is an Adobe Illustrator eps file in vector art with all fonts converted to outline.  The less anybody has to touch up your art the less likely there is to be a mistake.

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