Monday, July 18, 2011

Use it or Lose it!

I had my first 5A.M. spin class in two weeks this morning.  My trainer Katie has been gone two weeks competing for Team USA in the World Masters Race Walking Competition in Sacramento where she brought home the silver in the 5k, and gold in both the 10k and 20k.  A pretty impressive feat and one of the many reasons she is my trainer, friend and mentor.  This morning was difficult to get back into the swing of things and left me extra sore (and I still have two bootcamps with her this afternoon).

I think the lesson I take from this is that if you aren't constantly honing your skills and practicing them they will suffer from lack of use.  Even though I exercised several times in the last two weeks it wasn't at the same intensity as when I'm accountable to Katie.

Sales is the same way.  If you aren't constantly practicing your skills prospecting, getting referrals, closing sales you will suffer from the inactivity. Never stop practicing your skills and just like in exercise find someone who will hold you accountable to your goals and push you when you need it.

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