Monday, July 11, 2011

Sales Is All About Being Yourself

In 20 years of sales I've read a lot of sales books.  I've attended a lot of seminars, webinars and teleconferences.  For a little bit of money (or sometimes a whole lot) someone will share with you the secret of how to increase your sales, "close the deal", "find the client's pain" or empathize with the client.

20 years ago when I graduated from college with degrees in marketing, management and psychology I was ready to try my hand at anything with the exception of sales.  Sales is where I drew the line the one thing I wouldn't do.  Life is kind of funny that way most of the companies coming to interview on campus were hiring for sales positions.  The rest is history and now I'm sitting here with 20 years of sales experience under my belt.

Well what has 20 years of sales experience taught me?  I've narrowed it down to 5 tips that have certainly have helped me throughout my career.

1.  Be Yourself!  I've never had any success with trying to be anything other than who I am.  I think people value genuineness and honesty.

2.  Be picky!  Everyone I've talked to who deals with the public always talks about their nightmare client.  The one who complains about everything, doesn't pay their bills  and wastes hours of your time.  I'm going to let you in on a big secret.  You can choose your own clients.  You can even say no to someone.  Most of my clients I would consider good friends.  Many of them I've worked with for over 10 years.

3.  Customer Service is not optional! No joke here what can I say if you are not providing your clients with excellent customer service someone else will.  If you give more value than your clients expect or are used to only good things can happen.

4.  Integrity above all else!  I wish this just went without saying but sadly not everybody does business or lives their life with integrity.  Stand behind your product, your people and most importantly your word and you will seldom be disappointed in the results.

5.  Ask for referrals!  There are lots of ways you can build a book of business.  Cold calling (for those who enjoy it or don't), networking, direct mail and on and on.  However, the most successful way I have found is through the power of referrals. If you provide excellent value, service and integrity to your clients why wouldn't they want to share your name with their friends and associates?

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