Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Before You Throw in the Towel Autograph It.

My bootcamp instructor watched a Navy Seal training show on TV which inspired our class last night.  She had us run down the hill in teams of 2 holding an 8' divider over our heads and then do lunges all the way back up the  hill carrying the barrier.  Then for fun a little crab walking up the hill feet first to get the blood pumping. Anyway those were just two of the many exercises last night.  I won't even get into the pushups, burpees, mountain climbers, planks and running lines.  It was what I call a two towel night at the Y.

Speaking of towels when it comes to fitness towels, beach towels or golf towels there is only one towel manufacturer I use.  Towel Specialties has several unique products and exceptional customer service.  One of their products I like in particular is the Autograph Towel.  This towel is perfect for any event or fundraiser. It allows you collect the signatures of all the participants or donors and have them imprinted along with your logo on the towels.  To make the presentation of the gift even better take a look at the many packaging options provided by Towel Specialties.

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