Monday, July 25, 2011

Best Way to Submit Art for Your Projects

Just finished up an incredible weekend of fun after the sun decided to come out here in Oregon.  I managed to pack in a couple concerts, a wedding and a friend's birthday party all into 2 days.  Since it was one of my bootcamp friends getting married we even managed to get a group photo with the bride and 5 of us other bootcampers doing a side plank across a bridge in formal wear.

Sometimes you are just glad to get back to work so you can rest a little bit.  However, now that I'm back I have several clients rush projects sitting on my desk this morning.  Several of those projects are going to require that I have my graphics department redo art that was provided.

Today I thought we would take a moment and talk about the best way to submit art to ensure your project flies right through production (especially if you are dealing with a quick turn date or need to waive a proof).

I get a lot of art files that we can't work. Jpegs are the worst as we can manipulate or resize them. Almost as hard to work with are bmp's (bitmap art very grainy), gifs, and png files.  All of these mean we have to convert and clean up art which takes time.

If you want to speed your order and project along without any additional costs or delays the best file you can provide your promotional products distributor is an Adobe Illustrator eps file in vector art with all fonts converted to outline.  The less anybody has to touch up your art the less likely there is to be a mistake.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Before You Throw in the Towel Autograph It.

My bootcamp instructor watched a Navy Seal training show on TV which inspired our class last night.  She had us run down the hill in teams of 2 holding an 8' divider over our heads and then do lunges all the way back up the  hill carrying the barrier.  Then for fun a little crab walking up the hill feet first to get the blood pumping. Anyway those were just two of the many exercises last night.  I won't even get into the pushups, burpees, mountain climbers, planks and running lines.  It was what I call a two towel night at the Y.

Speaking of towels when it comes to fitness towels, beach towels or golf towels there is only one towel manufacturer I use.  Towel Specialties has several unique products and exceptional customer service.  One of their products I like in particular is the Autograph Towel.  This towel is perfect for any event or fundraiser. It allows you collect the signatures of all the participants or donors and have them imprinted along with your logo on the towels.  To make the presentation of the gift even better take a look at the many packaging options provided by Towel Specialties.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ready for S'More Great Promotions

It's summer time (not that you can tell right not here in Oregon thanks to the rain) and with that comes all the fun activities.  Camping, picnics and kayaking trips just to name a few fun things to do this summer.  I'm going on my first kayaking trip in a couple of weeks and I'm sure there will something to blog about after that adventure.

As most of you know I'm always looking for those promotional products that are unique or different.  Just in time for all those summer BBQ's and picnics Wildline has come out with the Reel Roaster a hand crank marshmallow and hot dog roaster.  I'm still working on the perfect slogan to go with it maybe "Reel in the savings" or maybe "A toast to you" (toasted marshmallows).  Oh well, I'll come up with something.  Anyway, this is a fun different product that with the right message and promotion could certainly raise eyebrows and awareness of your product or promotion.  Also, I'm suddenly really craving a good messy s'more.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Use it or Lose it!

I had my first 5A.M. spin class in two weeks this morning.  My trainer Katie has been gone two weeks competing for Team USA in the World Masters Race Walking Competition in Sacramento where she brought home the silver in the 5k, and gold in both the 10k and 20k.  A pretty impressive feat and one of the many reasons she is my trainer, friend and mentor.  This morning was difficult to get back into the swing of things and left me extra sore (and I still have two bootcamps with her this afternoon).

I think the lesson I take from this is that if you aren't constantly honing your skills and practicing them they will suffer from lack of use.  Even though I exercised several times in the last two weeks it wasn't at the same intensity as when I'm accountable to Katie.

Sales is the same way.  If you aren't constantly practicing your skills prospecting, getting referrals, closing sales you will suffer from the inactivity. Never stop practicing your skills and just like in exercise find someone who will hold you accountable to your goals and push you when you need it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Performance Fabrics with Style

Since I've started doing 6 bootcamps, 2 spin classes and at least one long run a week I'm getting really used to sweating and laundry.  I really love the fabrics that wick away the moisture and dry fast.  Shirts that  have the antimicrobial feature and UV protection are even better.  Especially with the rising price of cotton new performance fabrics are becoming more readily available and priced competitively.

When I first got into the apparel business I couldn't wait for December and January for my suppliers to come out with their new styles for the next year.  Since then each year the new catalogs come out faster and faster.  One of my favorite apparel providers, Ash City, just launched their 2012 catalog effective August 1st.

Today I thought we would look at a couple of their new performance fabric pieces.  I have a lot of clients who are tired of the same old solid polo's and want something with more flair and style.  The new Performance Polyester Pique color-block Polo provides the necessary performance with its moisture wicking, antimicrobial and UV resistance.  It is available in 5 different color choices and has a stylishly cut open placket ladies' companion piece.

I am also a fan of their new North End Sport Polyester Pique Polo.  Available in 4 different color options this ladies piece comes with a johnny collar neckline, and a lot of contrast piping.  This will make an excellent tradeshow or event shirt with its comfort, functionality and fun color.  This shirt is also available in a men's companion piece.

Don't forget to check out all of the other new pieces at Ash City.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sales Is All About Being Yourself

In 20 years of sales I've read a lot of sales books.  I've attended a lot of seminars, webinars and teleconferences.  For a little bit of money (or sometimes a whole lot) someone will share with you the secret of how to increase your sales, "close the deal", "find the client's pain" or empathize with the client.

20 years ago when I graduated from college with degrees in marketing, management and psychology I was ready to try my hand at anything with the exception of sales.  Sales is where I drew the line the one thing I wouldn't do.  Life is kind of funny that way most of the companies coming to interview on campus were hiring for sales positions.  The rest is history and now I'm sitting here with 20 years of sales experience under my belt.

Well what has 20 years of sales experience taught me?  I've narrowed it down to 5 tips that have certainly have helped me throughout my career.

1.  Be Yourself!  I've never had any success with trying to be anything other than who I am.  I think people value genuineness and honesty.

2.  Be picky!  Everyone I've talked to who deals with the public always talks about their nightmare client.  The one who complains about everything, doesn't pay their bills  and wastes hours of your time.  I'm going to let you in on a big secret.  You can choose your own clients.  You can even say no to someone.  Most of my clients I would consider good friends.  Many of them I've worked with for over 10 years.

3.  Customer Service is not optional! No joke here what can I say if you are not providing your clients with excellent customer service someone else will.  If you give more value than your clients expect or are used to only good things can happen.

4.  Integrity above all else!  I wish this just went without saying but sadly not everybody does business or lives their life with integrity.  Stand behind your product, your people and most importantly your word and you will seldom be disappointed in the results.

5.  Ask for referrals!  There are lots of ways you can build a book of business.  Cold calling (for those who enjoy it or don't), networking, direct mail and on and on.  However, the most successful way I have found is through the power of referrals. If you provide excellent value, service and integrity to your clients why wouldn't they want to share your name with their friends and associates?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Shuffle up and Deal!

I have loved playing poker ever since college.  I love watching the World Series of Poker and would really enjoy playing in it if it weren't for the $10,000 entry fee and my lousy poker faces. A poker tournament can be a great addition to any incentive trip or company meeting.
One client just recently held a sales incentive trip aboard a cruise ship and one of the events was a Texas Hold'em Poker tournament.  We made up clay poker chips from Beyond Manufacturing with the clients logo for their group and decks of poker cards from Liberty Playing Cards. The event was wildly successful and each participant received their own deck of cards and some of the poker chips to commemorate the game and trip.  Decks of cards can be printed in 4 color process for under $3.00/ deck and the chips can be printed for under $0.20 apiece.  Keep poker in mind for your next big meeting or corporate event.
Playing cards provide a huge imprint area for up to 4 color process art.  Another client was looking for a giveaway for their conference in Las Vegas and wanted to be able to include the event logo as well as the sponsor's logo.  The resulting product is something people will keep and use.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

If it Squeaks or Moves

Every once in awhile a great promotional product comes along that really excites me.  I've already talked about this once but now that I have samples in my office I like it even more.  As a man there are two items I always have in my garage and in my car.  They are duct tape and WD-40.

If it squeaks it get's WD-40 and if  it moves and shouldn't it gets duct tape.  Seriously, they are the answers to at least 75% of the world's problems.  Both have been around for a very long time so why I am I so excited?

Natural Trends one of my favorite suppliers of lotions and sanitizers now has two different products: the mini fix-all kit and the Ultimate Fix-All kit that both combine duct tape, WD-40 and your logo.  I can't imagine two better products to associate with your logo or that will be better received by your clients and prospects.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why Print Your Calendars in July?

What a great 4 day weekend!  Ran my first 5 mile run took my first Pilates class and cooked for a big 4th of July party yesterday.  The Pilates class taught me once again that I'm not very flexible.  We won't go into graphic detail about what the instructor made me do to my body but let's just say I'll be feeling it for days.  That may be lesson we can all derive from Pilates that we should learn to be a little more flexible in life.

It's actually nice to be back in the office today where I can rest up a little.  It seems life is just always so busy what with meetings, appointments, sports and classes.  If you have kids the list grows exponentially.  That's why today I thought we would take a moment and talk about calendars.  Calendar's in July you have got to be nuts!! (I am but that's a whole other story!)

In my opinion calendars remain one of the best promotional products you can provide to a client.  I know some of you might be thinking who uses calendars now with everything stored in i-Phones or Droids?  The answer---- lots of us!  I have one calendar on the fridge where my daughter keeps her schedule for her two jobs and her first term of college classes.  This way dad knows when he has to provide dinner or might be able to work a minute or two into her busy social calendar.  I have another calendar on the wall where I keep track of all of the bootcamps, spin classes, runs, yoga and anything else workout related.  Another one is on my office wall to track client deadlines and another is on my desk so I can work backwards to figure out if we can meet the rush requests of many of our clients.

Here's the secret though.  The first few people who get me calendars are usually the ones I keep.  Why else should you order calendars in the summer?  Many suppliers offer discounts for placing your orders early.  They would love to work on your project before the rush season gets under way.

I use two companies Norwood and PCA  for all my clients calendar needs.  They have both done amazing jobs for me and my clients and they offer tons of ideas to make the calendars more successful.  Over the years I have learned a few tips to make calendars more successful and be sure they get placed where you clients will see them every day.

1.  Don't start with January.  Perhaps do a 16 month calendar and start with September.  This will ensure your client gets your calendar up on the wall first.

2.  Coop the cost of the calendar.  Want to do calendars but don't want to pay for them all by yourself.  Go to a few of your bigger suppliers and sell them advertising space on your calendar.  I have several clients who have never paid for the cost of the marketing benefits they reap.

3. Make sure it is visually appealing.  The calendar manufacturer's have great stock art or you can use custom shots of your products, facilities or people.  Just make sure that the finished product is something people will want to put on their wall.  A puppy calendar seldom gets thrown away but a calendar showing the different stages of infection might.  Just be sure to tailor it to your audience.