Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is it Important to Say Thank You to Your Clients?

I'm in the business of helping clients reward their customers for loyalty and helping them to find and keep good clients.  Sometimes, however, I'm the one that learns a lesson.
A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to go out with a group of friends. Even better they were bringing along another friend so the two of us could meet.  Well of course I had to head down to the mall and pick out a new outfit just for that night. What with all the exercising and weight loss the clothes closet is a little bare.  I went to two separate department stores buying a new jacket at the first store and jeans and a dress shirt at another. 
Two weeks passed and yesterday I received two pieces of mail.  The first was a beautiful 5 panel postcard with my name typed on the front a bunch of great marketing material inside and two gift cards attached inside.  One for $25 off my next purchase of $100 and one for 20% off an entire days purchases.
The second was hand address envelope with a hand written thank you card that in nut shell said:
"Just wanted to follow up with you to see how your date went?!  I hope you had an amazing time, we know you looked great!"  Inside was also her business card with her cell phone number hand written.
Now it turns out I need to get a couple more new shirts.  I can give my business to the store that sent me  the generic mailer with an offer of cash off or I can choose the store with the incredible sales woman who showed me she listened to what I said and cared (or at least pretended to) about how my evening went.
No contest I will be calling the saleswoman today and setting up a time to come in and buy my shirts right after I finish sending out some handwritten thank you cards to some incredible clients of my own.
Moral of the story "Never forget the importance of a simple thank you!"

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